More and more, schools are teaching students to write in formulaic form, utilizing the hamburger format to teach young people how to convey their ideas. While structured writing is important in a testing stance, it is detrimental for students to rely only on this format, as it limits their ability to be imaginative, to ask different questions, and to view the world through other lenses.
In this course, students will understand writing as a form of expression, not just a form of persuasion. Students will complete a series of project-based assessments, which includes advanced understanding in grammar structure, story development, and distinct writing styles. In each unit, students will work on extended writing assignments, each building on one another, culminating into four projects: the personal narrative, the spoken word, the short story, and the horror/science fiction story.
The ultimate goal of this course is to push students to not only be comfortable with the mechanics of writing, but also with writing as a form of creative self-expression. Works created in this course can be included in holistic applications for independent, private, and specialized high schools.